Ear Allergies & Itching
Individuals with allergies often experience symptoms related to allergies in the ears. People with ear allergies typically have symptoms like:
- Recurrent infection
- Fluid in the ear
- Ear fullness
- Pressure
- Pain
- Skin reaction on and in the ear
- Recurrent wax
- Clogged ears
- Underwater sensation
- Chronic popping/crackling
- Muffled hearing
Let our allergists take a listen to help you get relief from ear allergies!
Ear Allergies
Individuals with allergies often experience symptoms related to allergies in the ears. A common complaint is incessant itching in the ears that occurs with seasonal allergies. Subtle symptoms are related to chronic nasal congestion and eustachian tube dysfunction, leading to a sense of fullness or clogged sensation in the ear, muffled hearing, underwater sensation and/or chronic ear popping. This is often due to swelling from allergies or obstruction from enlarged tonsils in the nasal airways (See diagram)
Allergic and immune disorders can lead to fluid in the ear, a common complaint in your children. Recurring ear infections, when left untreated, can also lead to learning difficulties and developmental disorders in children. It is estimated that a third of children with hay fever develop some level of Eustachian tube dysfunction during the pollen season.
Discuss with your allergist how we can test for and treat ear allergies.
Other Ear Issues
Recurrent wax buildup, although not related to allergies, can also be relieved by gentle water lavage of the ear canal in the office. We have helped many patients hear better by this simple treatment.
Skin disorders in and around the ear canal are also common complaints. Oftentimes, these are related to a contact dermatitis that may settle specifically around the opening of the ear canal or due to an eczematous reaction. Patch testing to chemical culprits may help identify the triggers of these symptoms. Identification of this as a problem can lead to proper treatment and relief of symptoms.